Eucalyptus; no, we are not talking about the plant that is said to have impressive benefits for the human body. We are talking about eucalyptus in cloud computing. Although is a strange word, has an important role in cloud computing. The open source software platform is actually an acronym, hence it’s weird naming. It stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs to Useful Systems. I know, that’s a long one. Starting from 2003, Eucalyptus has been benefiting the IT department. So, let’s get into it.

Eucalyptus is an open source software, which means it is released under a license where the copyright holder grants access to any of the software users to not only use and analyze the software but also change it. It basically is used to build cloud storages no matter the type; private, public and hybrid clouds.
So are you ready to build your own cloud storage with Eucalyptus?
Okay, we know it’s a bit complicated, but that’s why we are here. To simply put it, Eucalyptus allows cloud computing to be implemented on clusters. That is, even though you have a bunch of computers, they can be connected together and you can work on them as one computer.
There are a few components you need to know about Eucalyptus such as:
- Management console which allows to manage your Eucalyptus. (A eucalyptus cloud can have many management console host machines.)
- Cloud controller which is a front end for the entire environment
- Node controller which is an essential part of nodes. (Important for the life cycle for the occasions running on the nodes.) It also controls virtual machine activities such as it inspects, executes and terminates it.
- Storage controller which allows depictions of volumes.
- Cluster controller, oversees and gather information about at least one node controller (mentioned above.)
Given its increasing private cloud platform demands, it has partnered with many key cloud companies such as AppScale, Rightscale, rPath and so on…
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